Page One

Page one represents the beginning of the first chapter of a new book in the volume of my life; the previous ended quite abruptly and is now resting on the shelf. The following writings will contain documentation of the mindful shift in perspective I am going through. A way to take the thoughts and ideas in my head that are screaming to be translated into a form that can be understood by those who are ready to hear them. I have growing call to get these thoughts out to more than just the pages of my journal, where I am my only critic. There are things happening all around us that I believe many people can feel, but not many talk about. It is something I have felt for a long time but just recently woke up enough to tangibly realize it. I am new to this mindset and I am excited to uncover the secrets of this world. I hope through this blog I can find other like-minded people I can learn from. I hope my writings, insights, occasional ramblings can spark further conversations and foster new ideas. I am looking to develop an environment of discussion of a deeper level with the intent to uncover hidden truths of the human condition as it relates to the day-to-day life of the common person, such as myself. This blog is meant to question the why behind the what, challenge the conventional practices of modern-day society, insights gained from living a more simple life, acknowledging the synchronicities, and the process of striving towards a more awakened state.

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