
Here it is.

My life is spinning out of control again. What can I do? How can I stay grounded as the chaos swirls around me? What can I do that gives me the control to grab on to those thoughts and organize them in a way I can deal with?

I can clean. I always clean when I feel stressed. By cleaning, I can control the physical world around me in a way to control the thoughts circling around me, as I feel myself breaking down. I can make the world around me beautiful. That way every time look at it I can smile over the sense of control I have over my surroundings.

That is what I do to gain control as I start to lose it.

But why?

‘Again. Again. I come home and the house is a mess. What have you been doing all day?’

She says nothing. The smell of alcohol is so strong I can still smell it in memory.
I sit in the dark with my back leaned up against the wall of the next room with my 5 younger siblings huddled around me. They look at me with their eyes wide, waiting for me to tell them everything will be okay.

We should have cleaned the house while he was gone. That way he wouldn’t have come home and yelled at her. I think to myself. I want to go out there. Stand up to him. Scream in his face. STOP IT. STOP IT. LEAVE HER ALONE! But I can’t. What good can a fifteen year old do against him?

It’s my fault. I should have helped her. I should have cleaned.


Today is yesterday’s tomorrow.

We are all a product of yesterday’s choices. We are who we are today because of the person we chose to be yesterday. Understand that and decide right now, in this very moment, to be the person you want to be tomorrow. It is simple. It is only the excuses we make up that complicate things. Today, decide to be stronger than your fears and become who you want to be, by living it today. Otherwise, you will wake up one day and realize you have run out of tomorrows and think to yourself,

‘I should have done this yesterday.’


Taking action vs. Letting Go

The practical application of this ying/yang relationship is something I am currently struggling with. Both sides are equally profound as the other but situational can be equally correct as they are wrong. How do you know when the universe is showing you a call to action or reminding you to let go of the ‘control’ over the things not meant for you?

To better illustrate the question I am trying to ask out of context, I have two metaphors. The first is a story told by my favorite author, Paulo Coehlo, in the epilogue of his book ‘The Valkries’. He uses an example of God, but can be replaced by whatever name you give to a higher force.

“I want to tell you a story my father told me,” he said. “A master and his disciple were walking together in the desert. The master was teaching his charge that he could always trust in God, since he was aware of everything. Night fell, and they decided to pitch camp. The master raised the tent, and the disciple was given the assignment of tethering the horses to a rock. But, as he stood by the rock, he thought to himself: The master is testing me. He said that God is aware of everything, and then asked me to tie up the horses. He wants to see whether or not I believe in God. Instead of tethering the animals, he said a long prayer, and left the fate of the horses in God’s hands. Next day, when they awoke, the horses were gone. Disappointed, the disciple complained to the master, saying that he no longer believed in him, since God had not taken care of everything, and had forgotten to watch over the horses.

“‘You are wrong,’ the master answered. ‘God wanted to take care of the horses. But in order to do so, he needed to make use of your hands to tether them to the stone.’”

When I read this, it really struck me and made me reflect on areas of my life I am just leaving to the plan of the universe where I could take charge and use the tools the universe has provided me in order to improve my life. Incredible profound.

On the other side,

‘The worst this is watching someone drown and not being able to convince them they can save themselves by just standing up.’ -Unknown

This quote also spoke to me as I read it and has a profound truth to it. You watch a person possibly drown because it is beyond your control to convince them to save themselves. An answer so simple to you as the voyeur to see all they need to do is stand up.


What if the universe put you there as a tool to reach your hand out and pick them up when they don’t know how? Yes, pain and experience can be the best teachers and many times the only one who can save us is ourselves. Yet, there is equal importance placed on love and compassion for others, so my question in all of this is, When do you know when to put your hand out to lift someone up from drowning and hold them until they can stand on their own, or let go and let the universe take its course? How do you know whether the universe is placing you as an instrument to take action or placing you there simply as a lesson and reminder to let go of the ‘control’ you think you have and what will be, will be? How do you know holding on for a little longer, pushing a little more, could bring the results you want tomorrow or if you should let go, stop the action, and know to trust the plan of the universe?


Page One

Page one represents the beginning of the first chapter of a new book in the volume of my life; the previous ended quite abruptly and is now resting on the shelf. The following writings will contain documentation of the mindful shift in perspective I am going through. A way to take the thoughts and ideas in my head that are screaming to be translated into a form that can be understood by those who are ready to hear them. I have growing call to get these thoughts out to more than just the pages of my journal, where I am my only critic. There are things happening all around us that I believe many people can feel, but not many talk about. It is something I have felt for a long time but just recently woke up enough to tangibly realize it. I am new to this mindset and I am excited to uncover the secrets of this world. I hope through this blog I can find other like-minded people I can learn from. I hope my writings, insights, occasional ramblings can spark further conversations and foster new ideas. I am looking to develop an environment of discussion of a deeper level with the intent to uncover hidden truths of the human condition as it relates to the day-to-day life of the common person, such as myself. This blog is meant to question the why behind the what, challenge the conventional practices of modern-day society, insights gained from living a more simple life, acknowledging the synchronicities, and the process of striving towards a more awakened state.